University Library: Effective Information Retrieval

Finding Information in the Library

Why use the University Library

University librarians work closely with lecturers, researchers, and professors in your subject area, to ensure you have access to essential resources, key texts and recommended readings for your course.

Using the university library, you are leveraging the expertise of both the library and academic teams. These professionals constantly evaluate and curate high-quality sources for inclusion in the library collection.

This ensures that the University Library can become your primary starting point for subject research.

Start your research journey by accessing the wealth of up-to-date, relevant resources made available in the library collections.

Browse the library shelves - Find It

What is Information Retrieval

At university, information retrieval can be described as finding the information you need to answer your research inquiries.

This involves using search strategies to systematically and efficiently search, access, and obtain data or content from various sources, such as databases, websites, or digital e-book libraries.

Information retrieval is a skill you will develop and adapt throughout your academic studies and relies on a combination of effective search strategies, critical thinking, and digital literacy skills.  

How to find information in the University Library

Finding information in the university library involves a systematic approach to make the most of the resources available.

Find relevant sources in the library - FIND IT

There are different ways you can find information in the university library:  

  • Explore the Library Catalogue: it contains details about all the books, journals, and resources available. Use it to search for specific topics, authors, or titles related to your purpose.

  • Check Reading Lists: Reading lists from you lecturers are gold mines of recommended resources.

  • Bibliographies and References: When you find a useful book or article, check its bibliography or reference section this can lead you to more sources related to your topic, creating a chain of valuable information.

  • Subject Areas and Shelves: Libraries organize books by subject areas. Find the section related to your topic, and browse the shelves.

  • Ask Librarians for Help: Librarians can point you in the right direction and help you make the most of library resources.

  • Utilize Online Resources: Many libraries have online platforms and databases. Explore these digital resources for e-books, articles, and more.

When to use the University Library

Whether you're doing pre-reading ahead of a lecture, investigating questions from a presentation, or conducting independent research, the university library is an invaluable resource.

Locate specific sources in the library - FIND IT

The university library offers an array of sources to support your academic learning:

  • Discover Course Recommended Readings: access the curated reading lists provided for your course leaders.

  • Pinpoint Key Subject Texts: locate key texts relevant to your subject on the library shelves. The library's organized structure ensures that relevant materials are grouped together, allowing you to delve into the core of your academic focus.

  • Access Journal Articles Referenced in Lectures: find and access journal articles mentioned during lectures.

  • Confirm Citations and References from Published Sources: find resources mentioned in other published materials to follow the scholarly trail, discovering interconnected works.

  • Conduct Personal Research: whether you're delving into a niche topic or broadening your understanding, the library provides a conducive environment for exploration.

  • Research Subjects for Course Assignments: use the library's resources to investigate and gather information relevant to your research question and inquiry.


There are lots of different routes to find information within the University Library.  How you approach your search will depend on:

  • If you have bibliographic information on the source

  • If you are browsing the subject area

  • If you are investigating a specific subject 

Whatever your starting point you will get the most from your time in the library if you give yourself enough time to be thorough.  Be deliberate about your research enquiries and set aside time to find the information you need.  Rushing through the investigative portion of your research means you are likely to miss sources that could have been valuable to your research and learning.

If you have set aside time for research and investigation and are struggling to find the information you need, Ask the Librarians.  The library team are expert in finding information and there are subject-specific specialists available in the University Library to help you find everything you need to be successful in your studies.

The Librarians will be familiar with academic information sources for your subject and can help you with lots of different parts of your research from finding the correct sources to writing the citations.


Research Skills for Students


Use a Search Strategy to Find Information