12 Notetaking Methods Essential for Students

12 Notetaking Methods essential for Students

Why Students Choose the Boxing Method

For subjects where spatial organization is crucial, the Boxing Method enhances the ability to capture, organize, and comprehend information effectively, making it a valuable tool for students.

The Boxing Method of notetaking involves systematically categorizing information into separate boxes or sections, visually organizing thoughts, concepts, and ideas under distinct titles.

This method excels in subjects emphasizing categorization, classification, and distinct information types, transforming notetaking into a strategic, visual process.

It is particularly useful for structured content, hierarchical information with main ideas and subpoints, and for visual learners who benefit from clear categorization.

By compartmentalizing information, facilitates the identification of connections, understanding of relationships, and comprehension of overall material structure.

What is the Boxing Method of Notetaking

Advantages of the Boxing Method

  • Makes revision easy

  • Great for visual learners

  • Easy to use

  • Creates concise and well-organized notes

  • It doesn’t need rewriting after class

 Disadvantages of the Boxing Method

  • Not suitable for every subject

  • Requires concentration

  • Can be time-consuming

  • Works only with well-organized lectures

  • Can be challenging for handwritten notes

  • Formatting boxes in class can distracting from the lecture content

Why Students Choose the Charting Method

The Charting Method of notetaking is good for subjects that fall naturally into categories and when you are already a little familiar with the subject or have time to reflect on how to categorise the data.

The Charting Method of notetaking is a structured approach that involves creating visual representations, such as tables or charts, to organize and condense information.

Ideal for visually-oriented learners it allows you to visually map connections, relationships, and ideas with precision, exceling in capturing complex relationships, comparisons, hierarchies, and patterns between concepts or data points.

The Charting Method is particularly useful for lectures or research involving facts, statistical information, or comparable topics. It is effective for preparing for exams, taking brief in-the-moment notes, organizing facts, making comparisons, creating subject overviews, and simplifying complex information.

What is The Charting Method of Notetaking

Advantages of the Charting Method

  • Creates an overview of a subject

  • Simplifies complex information

  • Notes only the essential information

  • Easy to review quickly

  • Organises facts or statistics to connect between topics

  • Good for comparing data

Disadvantages of the Charting Method

  • Challenging to use if you are new to a subject

  • Can be challenging to implement during a live lecture

Why Students Choose the Cornell Method

The Cornell method is based on the idea that people remember best what is organized in a specific, easy-to-follow format.  You begin with a basic understanding of the subject and build upon this foundation.

Ideal for use during lectures, the Cornell Method enables students to focus on notetaking in class.

The method involves dividing your page into sections: one for main ideas, another for details, and a summary, helping to create organized notes that are conducive to efficient revision and reference.

You can use the Cornell Method for handwritten or typed notes, in lectures, independent research, seminars, workshops, and group study sessions. It proves particularly useful in breaking down information into smaller, easily understandable sections.

Advantages of using Cornell Method

  • Systematic approach to notetaking.

  • Simple structure that is easy to use.

  • Great for creating organized notes.

  • Allows students to focus their notetaking on specific concepts and skills.

  • Cues section helps initial critical review and active learning.

Disadvantages of using Cornell Method

  • Defined structure that you must create your notes within.

  • Paraphrasing in real time can be challenging.

  • Cues & Summary sections are best completed when information is fresh in your mind.

Why Students Choose the Flow Method

The Flow Method emphasizing active listening, quick thinking, and the immediate capture of key concepts during lectures or study sessions to provide an immersive learning experience that enhances comprehension, retention, and overall note quality.

This method encourages continuous engagement with the material without pauses for organization or categorization to create structured and interconnected notes.

The goal of the Flow Method is learning, emphasizing the creation of unique, personally understood notes rather than recording every detail. Flow notetaking resembles a hand-drawn mind map, with annotations, arrows, charts, and boxes contributing to a dynamic representation.

The Flow Method is considered a powerful technique whether you’re attending lectures, reading, or listening to recordings. It allows you to jot down relevant information with no restrictions.

What is the Flow Method of Notetaking

Advantages of the Flow Method

  • Make Connections - Link and connect ideas.

  • Speed Writing - Write only keywords and avoid long sentences

  • Free-form - Record information or ideas in a way that makes sense to you

  • Visual - Review at a glance

  • Learn - Encourages active learning and can improve your understanding of the subject

Disadvantages of the Flow Method

  • Reduced Readability - Using short sentences and brief descriptions can reduce readability

  • Non-sequential – Its’ not a sequential way to record information or ideas

  • Cues Not Detail - Can't be used as a comprehensive study guide, unless you add to your notes later.

Why Students Choose the Mindmap Method

Mind maps offer a visually engaging method for presenting information which helps effective study and learning. This technique, is a simple approach to organize, visualize, and memorize information.

By creating a visual representation, mind maps can show the interrelations of concepts and their place within a broader subject context.  This makes them The method a valuable study resource, saving time and effort in the organization of notes.

Students can use the Mind Map Method note for organising notes from lectures, self-study sessions, assignment research and planning.

This technique is a versatile tool for learners seeking a dynamic and efficient way to navigate complex subject matter and reinforce their understanding.

What is The Mind Map Method of Notetaking

Advantages of the Mind Map Method

  • Mind maps are great for visual learners who need an overview of a subject.

  • A quick way method of notetaking in fast paced lectures or for brainstorming.

  • Mind maps can be used for lectures, independent research, and planning assignments.

  • Great for identify relationships, connections and hierarchies in information.

Disadvantages of the Mind Map Method

  • If you are new to a subject, it can be challenging to identify the important ideas for the mind map. But with a bit of practice and effort Mind Maps are a useful tool for brainstorming and planning.

Why Students Choose the Outline Method

The goal of the Outline Method is to simplify information for easy understanding.  By concentrating on key points and omitting unnecessary details, this method creates concise, well-structured notes.

The Outline Method focusing on hierarchy to enhance understanding of main ideas, key points, and their connections.  The main topic and points are the starting point and from there notetakers build out a clear structure with sub-topics, evidence, and supporting information.

It is a very a structured way of organizing notes which is useful in lectures, independent study sessions, presentation preparation, and exam revision.

What is the Outline Method of Notetaking

Advantages of using the Outline Method

  • Outlining works well for almost every subject and is highly effective, yet simple to master.

  • The nested structure makes it easy to identify relationships and connections between topics.

  • Great method to use for remembering information.

  • Reduces the time needed for reviewing and editing notes.

Disadvantages of using the Outline Method

  • Not suited to science based or unstructured lectures.

Why Students Choose the Q/E/C Method

The Q/E/C Method helps to enhance learning outcomes, sharpens critical thinking skills, and deepens appreciation for a subject by formulating questions, gathering evidence, and drawing conclusions.

Notetakers using Q/E/C can develop a mindset that moves beyond a surface-level understanding, facilitating deeper insights and comprehensive understanding which can be applied to critical analysis sessions, independent study, research, literature reviews, exam preparation, and revision.

The structured format of Q/E/C Method facilitates direct connections between questions and answers, supported by robust evidence making this method particularly useful for subjects or research activities that demand thoughtful investigation and analysis.

What is The QEC Method of Notetaking

Advantages of the Q/E/C Method of Notetaking

  • Identifies the question, evidence and conclusion for a topic

  • Engages the critical brain to question the evidence

  • Facilitates learning

  • Useful structure for many subjects

Disadvantages of the Q/E/C Method of Notetaking

  • Not suited to fast-paced lectures

  • Takes time to implement this method

Why Students Choose the Sentence Method

The Sentence Method of notetaking stands out for its simplicity, making it an ideal choice when needing to quickly absorb lots of information.

With this approach, notes are written in the form of complete sentences, creating a sequential list with line breaks and numbering for clarity.

This method is particularly effective when faced with unfamiliar topics during lectures, allowing students to capture large quantities of information rapidly.

The goal is not immediate processing or deep understanding but rather the comprehensive recording of lecture content and personal thoughts.

The resulting notes are a vertical list of sentences with a structured format, which you can easily review and process outside of class.

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Advantages of the Sentence Method of Notetaking

  • Capture large volumes of information

  • Quick way to make notes

  • Simple notetaking method

  • Can be a comprehensive method of notetaking

Disadvantages of the Sentence Method of Notetaking

  • Produces lots of notes

  • Requires reflection and possibly rewriting outside of class

  • Difficult to prioritise major topics in your notetaking

  • All notes are given the same level of importance

Why Students Choose the Split Page Method

The Split Page Method is useful for creating organized, readable notes to use as effective study guides. By reducing large chunks of information into this simple format, students can focus on comprehending and recalling key concepts.

This method is useful in lectures, independent study and seminars to capture the key points, to condense and organise the information for better understanding. This method help organize notes for efficient review and retention which can help the learning process.

The Split Page Method, with its structured layout and cues, is particularly beneficial for students dealing with subjects rich in detailed information.  It helps make large volumes of data less overwhelming, allowing effective organization into key concepts.

What is the Split Page Method of Notetaking

Advantages of the Split Page Method of Notetaking

  • Record the key concepts

  • Reduce the volume of notes you write

  • Reduce your notes to the essential information

  • Organise your notes with keywords to jog your memory

Disadvantages of the Split Page Method of Notetaking

  • Over summarise without the context or detail needed

Why Students Choose the SQ3R Method

The SQ3R method is using for dealing with challenging written material.  It offers a systematic approach to reading and comprehension.

SQ3R involves reading a specific section of study materials and then assessing retention of information through the Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review system.

Ideal for studying, academic research, preparing for exams and critical reading tasks such as analyzing literature or evaluating arguments.

By structuring reading and note-taking, SQ3R helps students enhance comprehension and recall key concepts in various learning scenarios.

What is the SQ3R Method - Note It - Website - Banner

Advantages of the SQ3R Method

  • Active reading

  • Helps learning

  • Systematic approach to study

  • Great for STEM subjects

Disadvantages of the SQ3R Method

  • Primarily for study from textbooks

  • There are newer iterations of this method

Why Students Choose the Write-on-Slides Method

The Write-on-Slides Method is good for learners who want to avoid extensive note-taking stress. It simplifies the process, allowing students to concentrate on the lecture content rather than transcribing information from slides.

It is a swift and uncomplicated approach to notetaking involving directly annotating or typing notes onto teaching materials, such as PowerPoint slides or classroom handouts provided by instructors.

Whether using electronic devices or printing out slides, the Write-on-Slides Method streamlines notetaking, providing a dynamic way to interact with educational content.

This method is effective in classes, courses, reviewing recorded lectures, in-class discussions, and for quick reference and recap, enabling students to actively engage with the material during presentations, annotate key concepts, and efficiently recap information.

What is the Write-on-Slides Method - Note It - Website - Banner

Advantages of the Write on Slides Method of Notetaking

  • Quick & easy notetaking method

  • Allows you to concentrate on the lecturer and what they are explaining

  • Ideal for both digital and handwritten notetaking

  • Can be combined with other notetaking methods

Disadvantages of the Write on Slides Method of Notetaking

  • Needs some preparation in advance to download or print slides

Why Students Choose the Zettelkasten Method

The Zettelkasten Method provides students with an effective and efficient way to organize information, thoughts, generate ideas, and optimize their notetaking through a structured and interconnected approach.

Whether implemented through handwritten slips in a physical box or a digital counterpart, Zettelkasten offers a dynamic way to structure information, creating a network of ideas for students to leverage in their educational journey.

Starting with a brainstorming approach, this method involves building meaningful connections in the data, serving as a catalyst for problem-solving, idea development, and workflow refinement.

The method's versatility makes it suitable for various scenarios, including time-efficient studying, enhanced idea generation, organizing thoughts systematically, and personal knowledge management.

What is the Zettelkasten Method

Advantages of the Zettelkasten Method of Notetaking

  • Great for brainstorming

  • Allows you to identify connections

  • Helps you to organise your thoughts and ideas

  • Break down problems into smaller components

  • Creative method of notetaking

Disadvantages of the Zettelkasten Method of Notetaking

  • Can take time to master this method

  • Suited to large tasks, for smaller tasks this can add time and distractions

  • Requires a systematic approach and careful attention to unique identifiers

12 methods for effective notetaking

If you’d like more information on each of the methods we’ve reviewed, including step by step instructions to use each method click on the links below.

  1. Boxing Method – to identify cluster topics in your notes

  2. Charting Method – to make facts and figures easy to review

  3. Cornell Method – to remember the information info

  4. Flow Method – to create organic connections in your notes

  5. Mindmap Method – to supercharge your brainstorming

  6. Outline Method – to structure your notes by subject

  7. Q/E/C Method – to summarise complex research topics

  8. Sentence Method – to create an order in chaotic notetaking

  9. Split Page Method – to add your own research to lecture notes

  10. SQ3R Method – to take deliberate steps to learn more

  11. Write on Slides – to maximise your notetaking in lectures

  12. Zettelkasten Method – to organise your notes as you find related info

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4 Stages of Notetaking


The Zettelkasten Method of Notetaking